An Analysis of the Inyo Location
Roderick L. Schmidt
Inyo, or INY-272, is a petroglyph site in the eastern Caifornia desert. It has never been properly surveyed, but it is estimated to be about a quarter acre in size. As an article of serious cultural importance to the Shoshone speaking Paiute People, it is in dire need of protection.
Modern commercial damage is extensive. The stone is dolomitic marble. The Inyo Marble Company leased the area and dynamited the cliff side sometime prior to 1929. This act destroyed one of the staves of a petromantic message. (see Petromania) The mining activities were in clear violation of the 1903 Antiquities Act as the blasting caused huge chunks of stone to rain down and damage the Inyo site. (see Baldwin Report) J. C. Von Werlhof, an archaeologist also noted the damage in his 1962 report. (see Von Werlhof notes) This very special place has received very disrespectful treatment.
Associated sites have fared no better. The City of Los Angeles, in settlement of a dust mitigation issue, modified the lakebed of the now dry Owens Lake. They did so in complete (and enforced) ignorance that at the same time their processes were destroying the ancient ceremonial areas of the Native People. This author was present at the time of discovery and noted at least five areas that demonstrated human presence when the lake was dry in ancient times. Dr Scott Stein provided a date for this at approxamately 1,000 years before present. How long it had been dry was an unanswered question. (see The Owens Lake)
Petroglyphs are a real problem for archaeology, profound ignorance is their guide. Recognition that stone carved images may constitute writing is forbidden by unwritten agreement. Any who say otherwise is condemned heartily. Columbus was the discoverer of the Americas. Inyo is proof, carved in the very bedrock, that other Old World People were here many hundreds of years before. (see Epigraphy) We have discovered why these foreigners were here at the Inyo location. This is another subject which has stymied both anthropology and archaeology alike. The reason was religious. Once viewed and understood, Inyo can be source of genuine epiphany. (see Analysis of the Inyo Animation) This artifact alone is worthy of serious protection and preservation.
Inyo makes one rethink the past. How Inyo was discovered is one thing, how it was developed is another. The entire year is noted in simple, but functional heliolithic displays. (helio=sun and lithic=stone) Shadow casting devices appear to work at special points in time. Notably the equinox, the solstices and the cross-quarters. (see Discoveries)
How does one validate a claim that Old World people were in California more than a thousand years ago? Simple, look at the evidence. Old world people had writing systems, alphabets. If you are aware of the existence of these alphabets and are observant, Inyo has several that are easily recognized. This author found an inscription that looked to alphabetic and submitted it to the epigrapher, Dr. Barry Fell. It was indeed alphabetic and spelled a recognizable Arab name, The inscription that was cause and reason for Inyo to have been first seriously researched was also Arabic. Not modern Arabic, but the predecessor, Kufic. (see Clifford Baldwin and the Inyo Zodiac) How they arrived here, to this continent, was by ship. There are three ships (at least) that were pecked as votive prayer. One has an image of a deity normally associated with Phonecians. (see Tanit) There is another recognizable Old World presence, Celtic.
The Celts were the Native Americans of Europe. The Romans treated them much the same way the Euro-Americans treated the Native inhabitants of was to become the United States and Canada. These People were free, conquest brought defence, defence brought war and genocide unimaginable. The Roman philosophy of conquest was divide and conquor. The Celts were all members of the same religious group and shared language and customs. For conquest they were renamed, Gaels, Gauls, Gallations, Britons, Bretons and numerous variants. These folks inhabited most of Europe and had done so for thousands of years before The Roman Empire's agression. For history to justify the genocide it was simply rewritten. The Celts get a lot of very bad press as the direct result. Inyo has a distinct Celtic presence in its construction. The alphabet of the Celts is called Ogam or Ogham. Some British prejudice is apparent here, they (Oxford English Dictionary) claim the alphabet stems from Latin and may be aged no earlier than about 400 ad. (see Ogam) Sources less prejudiced state Ogam is much, much older and existed well prior to the Roman era. Is there a Celtic presence at Inyo? Yes. see Lugh.
These folks were venerators at a natural cathedral, Inyo. They were probably welcome participants at the festivities. They presented themselves in sincere friendship and brotherhood. The foreigners respected the Paiute-Shoshone People. There is no evidence of strife at Inyo. Inyo was created with their assistance and the support and cooperation of the Paiute-Shoshone. Inyo truly is the dwelling place of a great spirit.
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